

Wayne and Darlene Welcome Newest Grandson, Hezekiah Aaron Bowlin - 7/12/24

Wayne and Darlene welcomed their newest grandson, Hezekiah Aaron Bowlin on July 12, 2024. He was born to their daughter, Victoria and son in law, Aaron. Hezekiah was born at 8:46am on July 12, weighed 6lb 10oz, and was 20 inches long. Mommy and Baby are doing wonderful!

Wayne to Undergo Back Surgery - 8/13/23

Wayne was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis in the later part of 2022 and has been in tremendous pain for several months. He will be undergoing back surgery on Tuesday, Aug 15th to prayerfully fix the issues that are causing him the most pain, including the removal of another cyst on his spine. The doctors are very hopeful and say the surgery should be a quick and easy one. Recovery time is expected to be around 4 weeks. Please be in prayer for Wayne in the days and weeks to come.

UPDATE - 8/28/23:

Wayne came through surgery great and is home recovering. The doctors were very confident that this should eleminate the pain he's been feeling in his back and the nerves affecting pain in his legs as well. Wayne is ready to get back on the road singing the gospel as soon as he has the all clear from the doctor in a couple weeks.

Wayne Shirey Receives the ALQC Lifetime Acheivement Award - 7/21/23

Wayne Shirey got the surprise of a lifetime at the 2023 ALQC when he was rewarded the Lifetime Acheivement Award. He was so honored. In his acceptance speech through tears, Wayne said, "I've never been more surprised in my entire life to get something like this. There's nothing I'd rather do than sing a gospel song to the Father." What an amazing blessing he was given with this award.

The Shireys Have Been Blessed With A New Ride - 5/24/23

After their devestating bus fire back in September, The Shireys have been in search of a new mode of transportation. After much prayer and searching, they are pleased to announce that the Lord has blessed them with a new bus. They'd like to thank all of you who donated toward their new transportation and are excited to keep traveling and proclaiming the Gospel through song!

Shireys New Recording In The Works - 4/14/23

The Shireys have a new recording in the works! After many years since their last project, they are excited to announce that new music is coming soon! Expect to hear encouraging songs from writers like Victoria Bowlin, as well as some old favorites. Release is expected the beginning of July.

Wayne & Darlene's Grandson Jaxon Passes Away - 1/14/23

Wilkesboro, NC - Wayne & Darlene's youngest grandson, Jaxon Taylor has passed away. After fighting an infection that got into his blood stream, Jesus removed the suffering and took him home. Please be in prayer for their son, Chris, daughter in law, Jenny and nephews, Jude, Joshua, and James, along with the rest of the family as they process this painful loss.

Brain Tumor & Spinal Cyst Found in Wayne - 11/15/22

After collapsing in the yard at home, Wayne was rushed to the emergency room. He was severely dehydrated. After a scan, a brain tumor was found on the left front region of his brain. It is benign and not growing, so the doctors are monitoring it. The prayer is that it will stay dormant and dissolve completely. They also diagnosed him with Spinal Stenosis and found a large cyst on his spine. The cyst has been removed, and other than some slight pain, Wayne is doing well.

The Shireys Have Devastating Bus Fire - 9/24/22

While on the way to the National Quartet Convention on I-26, The Shireys RV caught fire in the back. Everyone was able to get off before it burnt completely to the ground. It was a total loss. Other than being a little shaken up, everyone was safe and unharmed.

Darlene Suffers Mini Stroke And Infection - 1/22/22

West Columbia, SC - Darlene has suffered a mini stroke. This stroke has affected the opposite side of her brain and body than the first one. She needs much prayer as she recovers. They did many tests, as well as an extensive heart test to check for holes or imperfections. Everything checked out there, but the doctor has her wearing a heart monitor for 30 days just to be safe. They are trying to get to the root of what is causing the strokes. While in the hospital, Darlene developed a terrible infection in her mouth, due to some teeth that need surgery. She has been in a lot of pain. She is working with a physical therapist to be able to walk regularly again.

Update - 1/31/22

Darlene has been sent home with a heart monitor for 30 days. She met with her dentist and has a bunch of infection built up. She will be having a dental surgery set up within the next month. Physical therapists are coming twice a week to help her with mobility. She is still struggling to walk. She will also be meeting with her other doctor to get a date setup for gallbladder surgery in the next month. Due to everything going on with her health, The Shireys have had to reschedule all of their singing dates to later in the year. They hope and pray to be able to travel again very soon. They love ministering and miss it very much. For those of you who would like to help them during these difficult times, you can donate to them by clicking the donate button on the home page. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Wayne Has Gallbladder Surgery - 11/10/21

West Columbia, SC - Wayne underwent gallbladder surgery today. They were able to do the surgery laparoscopically and successfully. The doctor said that his gallbladder was in bad shape from where it had ruptured weeks prior and that he was moments away from gangrene setting in. Thankfully, they were able to get it out, and he is recovering well.

Update - 12/5/21

Wayne has been given the all clear from the doctor. They said everything looks great, and he is feeling much better!

Wayne To Undergo Gallbladder Surgery & Darlene Update - 11/4/21

West Columbia, SC - Wayne is scheduled to undergo surgery to remove his gallbladder that bursted back in September, on November 10th, 2021. The doctor is planning on doing the surgery lapriscopically, however depending on what they see when they make the incision, they may have to cut. Prayers are there will not have to be any cutting and that things will go smoothly.

He has fully recovered from his heart surgery, and the doctor has given him the clear! He is feeling so much better and excited to get back to every day life.

Darlene is recovering well from her stroke. She was told by physical therapists that it could take up to a year for her to fully regain mobility, but she is showing great improvement! God is good! She will be meeting with her doctor on November 5th, 2021 for a scan on her gallbladder to determine if she will also need gallbladder removal surgery. She developed gallstones a few months back, while in the hospital recovering from her stroke. She successfully went through two weeks of intense physical therapy at a facility in Columbia, SC.

Wayne and Darlene would like to thank everyone for your prayers and donations through this difficult time. They were able to sing again for the first time last week in Pigeon Forge, TN since June 2021. They are planning on going back on the road full time, come January 2022 and are booking dates now for the new year.

Wayne Undergoes Triple Bypass Open Heart Surgery & Darlene Suffers Stroke - 8/15/21

West Columbia, SC - Wayne and Darlene Shirey of The Shireys have been traveling and spreading the Gospel of Christ through Southern Gospel music for over 30 years. They travel full time all across the country. In addition to being their full time ministry, this is their primary source of income.

On July 16th, after a routine check up a few days prior, Wayne had to have a triple bypass open heart surgery. 70 and 80% blockages were found. The surgery went well, and he had been healing wonderfully and quicker than expected. He began experiencing some pain in his stomach and back on August 12th, which got progressively worse and landed him in the ER on August 15th twice. They found that his gallbladder was very inflamed and are looking at a possible second surgery to remove his gallbladder. While in the ER the second time, Darlene started experiencing paralysis in her right leg, along with dizziness. They immediately admitted her and started running tests. They sent Wayne home with pain meds until they can decide if surgery is absolutely necessary. Darlene's test results still have not been determined at this point, but they feel that she may have possibly had a mini stroke, as her entire right side is now experiencing partial paralysis. This is a very concerning time for them both and has prolonged recovery time. They really need our prayers and support right now, as well as their family.

Wayne and Darlene Shirey have given so much to Southern Gospel music and devoted their lives to the call that God has placed on them. Many times they have been a help to others in need, but now it's their turn. The recovery time will be nothing short of several months, which means all of their dates/travels have temporarily come to a halt. During this time, they need your help. They are anxious to get back on the road, and we are believing for complete healing and recovery for both so they can continue their ministry. We ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to help them while they can't help themselves. They have no idea this has been created, but we want to be a blessing to them, as they have been a blessing to so many of us. We believe in the Great Physician and that He has a perfect plan in all of this. Thank you for your prayers and support for The Shireys! You can donate on Go Fund Me by clicking the following link,

UPDATE - 8/19/21

It has been confirmed that Darlene did have a mild stroke that affected her entire right side. The doctor said that it killed some cells in the left side of her brain that is irreversibleā€¦but GOD! As of yesterday, the doctor said after further examining the scans, he expects a full recovery, but rehab is crucial. She has already regained movement in her right arm and hand but doesn't have full control yet. However, that's still a praise report! She still can't lift her left leg up off the floor yet. Darlene doesn't have insurance and isn't eligible for Medicare until the end of October. They have a social worker trying to help them get some medical assistance to help with expenses. As of right now, no rehab facility is willing to help Darlene without insurance or the finances to cover it. They are saying that rehab will cost anywhere from $9,000-$15,000 per week for at least 2 weeks or more. If they can't get her help, they are talking about sending her home in the next day or so.

Wayne has been trying to heal from his heart surgery a month ago but has been in terrible pain with his gallbladder. After 3 ER visits, they have determined that his gallbladder is inflamed, and he has 2 small cysts on his kidneys. The soonest they can get him in for a HIDA scan is Monday. As of today, Wayne says he is not currently in pain but very weak. All of this is affecting his healing process. He needs medical attention and will more than likely have to go through another surgery in the next week or so to remove his gallbladder. We are just praying for continued relief from pain until he can get something done.

Between Darlene and Wayne, their medical expenses will be well over $80,000. We are believing God for miracles for both and for every financial need to be met in full! Please share this link as much as you can. Wayne and Darlene would never ask for help for themselves, but they desperately need it right now. Thank you so much for your prayers, love, and support of this family.